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Blind Cleaning Marketing Course
Blind Cleaning Marketing Course
What our clients have to say about our Online Training:
Just a quick note of thanks for the much anticipated and absolutely fantastic on-line ultrasonic blind cleaning training website. Your on-line training site provides our company the most valuable and comprehensive support all at a touch of a button (24-7-365). The detailed videos outline the necessary step by step procedures required to do each job correctly and efficiently. It is like having a virtual expert by our side whenever the need arises. The details you include in all categories of training are what make this site such a valuable resource. I personally want to thank you for your continued support to add new videos and information to this site as clients continue to find new opportunities with-in the blind cleaning industry.
With many thanks!
Jack Ballway
Course Details:
Welcome to our On-Line Marketing Training Course. We have been training clients in this industry since 1992. Our marketing program is time tested and proven to be the best in the ultrasonic blind cleaning industry.
This step by step marketing program will help you develop into an all around one stop shopping center. The audio, videos, literature and pictures that are included in this course will instruct you on how to market your business to a variety of businesses and homes. There is a fine line between advertising and marketing, one takes a lot of your money (advertising) and the other takes more of your time(marketing). We at prefer to use our skills and time and save our money.
As we develop and time test new marketing ideas, we will list them in this marketing course. To us training is an ongoing process.
At we are always open to suggestions. If you would like to suggest a topic or idea please call or email us
Remember, we are here to help & support our clients, not just to sell them a blind cleaner.
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Click Here to View Lessons Within This Course.
- Lesson: Marketing Introduction
- Lesson: Compete Selling Blinds
- Lesson: Demo Business Card (DVD)
- Lesson: Home Show Check List
- Lesson: How & Who To Network With
- Lesson: How To Promote Coupons
- Lesson: How To Set Up Dry Cleaners
- Unit: Dry Cleaner Hanger Tag
- Unit: Price Charts for Dry Cleaners
- Unit: Six (6) Steps for Opening a Dry Cleaner
- Lesson: Maximize Flyer Distribution
- Lesson: Promoting Blind Installations
- Lesson: Promoting Blind Repairs
- Lesson: Referral Rewards Card
- Unit: Referral Letter Issued With Each Card
- Unit: Thank You Letter To Return Referral Card
- Lesson: Sample Forms
- Unit: Cold Call Sheet
- Unit: Commercial Invoice
- Unit: Job Performance Sheet
- Unit: Phone Log Sheet
- Unit: Sales Receipt
- Unit: Work Order
- Lesson: Sample Letters
- Unit: Bid List
- Unit: Blind Retailers & Wholesalers
- Unit: Hospitals
- Unit: Janitorial Companies
- Unit: Large Commercial Jobs
- Lesson: The Importance Of Live Demonstrations
- Lesson: Why E-mail Addresses Are Important
- Lesson: Working With Janitorial Companies